Monday, October 18, 2010

Yahrzeit of Rachel Emainu

Kedushas Levi on

Moshe spoke to the children of Israel according to everything Hashem had commanded him about them...

(Devarim 1:3)

[The Zohar explains that] the holy Torah contains great depth and hidden secrets. If we find stories in the Torah — tales such as those of our forefathers Avraham and Yitzchak, of Yaakov and Lavan, of the matriarchs, and of Bilam and his donkey — we must realize that in truth all of these tales contain hidden secrets and depth. On the surface, we can learn a lesson from the tale itself, such as how to develop good character traits. For example, from the story of Avraham we learn the trait of chesed, loving-kindness; from the story of Yaakov we learn about his righteousness.
From the matriarchs we learn of their righteousness, and how the merit of Rachel still stands by us today, as our Rabbis taught (Eichah Rabbasi, Pesichtah 24; Tanna D'Vei Eliyahu Rabbah, ch. 30), "Regarding this it says, 'A voice in the heights is heard, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel is crying over her children, she refuses to be consoled' (Yirmeyahu 31:14)."

The Midrash in Tanna D'vei Eliyahu says that when Hashem sent Bnei Yisroel into exile for their sins He was not going to return them until Rachel Imeinu stood in prayer and said "Master of the World just as I who am only flesh and blood was not angered and did not protest regarding my time of distress when my husband Yaakov who worked seven years for me was given my sister Leah as a bride and I did not speak with him at all so that he would not know the difference between my voice and hers so You who are a merciful King should not be angered by their worship of idols who are actually nothing real," immediately G-d's mercy was awakened and He swore to Rachel that He would return her children back from the exile. Regarding this it says 'A voice in the heights is heard, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel is crying over her children, she refuses to be consoled' .

In the Eicha Midrash it says simply "In the merit of that weeping I shall return you from exile, regarding this it says 'A voice in the heights is heard, lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel is crying over her children, she refuses to be consoled' ."

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
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