Sunday, June 7, 2009

Waging the War of Torah with the Gemara

Waging the War of Torah with the Gemara

In the Sefer Toldos Aharon from Rav Aharon of Zhitomir on parshas VaYakhel:

"As I heard from my master teacher and Rabbi, the Av Beis Din of kehilas
Berditshev, "When we see that a war awakens in the world, one must say a
chiluk a novel interpretation in the Gemara. This is because everything that
exists in the world is found in the Torah which is the life force of all the
worlds and universes. Therefore when we see a war in the world, surely these
combinations [of words and letters] already exist in the Torah, therefore we
must say a chiluk and we must Lefalpel, we must interpret novel meanings in
the Gemara in order to overturn this. This power was given over to Moshe
Rabbeinu, so that just as we learn and interpret the Gemara so must all the
worlds and universes act and conduct themselves, whether the lower or
supernal worlds and universes." These were his holy words."

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / 212-461-0035
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Ahavas Yisroel of the Kedushas Levi

The holy Rebbe our master the Alter Rebbe the author of the Tanya onced said
to his son the Mittler Rebbe:

"The angel Michael may be shamed regarding his advocacy on behalf of Jews
compared to our Mechutan the Berditshever Rav.

The fact that the mechutan, the Berditshever Rav's advocacy on behalf of
Jews is higher than that of the angel Michael is nothing novel.
Because the Mechutan is a soul, and the Michael is an angel, and a soul is
higher and wiser than an angel.

Hashem built above a Heichal Ha'Zechus, a sanctuary of merits in the
heavenly realms created from the Mechutan, the Berditshever rav's advocacy
on behalf of Jews.

And every Jews which advocates on behalf of another Jewish soul no matter in
which body it is and say a chapter of Tehillim properly, this all enter the
chamber of merits above called the Heichal Hazechus and they will be be
helped, each one according to their needs.

The Mechutan's advocacy on behalf of Jews was taken from three or four Torah
lessons which he heard from our Rebbe the Maggid of Mezritch from the
grandfather, the Holy Ba'al Shem Tov regarding the concept of Ahavas
Yisroel, love for a fellow Jew.

The great Ahavas Yisroel the Mechutan had is not comparable to that which
our grandfather (the Ba'al Shem Tov) had. The grandfather said that we must
have self sacrifice for Ahavas Yisroel, even for a Jew we have never even
seen before.

And so it is the greatness of the concept of love for a fellow Jews is and
the merit of this Mitzvah is impossible to measure and happy and
praiseworthy is he who toils for this Mitzvah.

From A Letter written by The Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch Igros Kodesh 5
p162-163 (letter Alef-ReishBais)

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Rav Kehilas Ahava veSimcha
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Rosh Kollel Zichron Elimelech
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022 / 212-461-0035
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(As heard from my Rebbe, the Clevelander Rebbe Shlit"a of Ra'anana, Israel)

When the Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev became the Rav of Berditchev he was
approached by Chaim and Baruch for a Din Torah. Baruch claims that Chaim
owes him a thousand coins and Chaim denies the loan. The Rav heard both
sides of the argument and ruled that Chaim must in fact pay Baruch, which he
promptly did and the litigants left.

The next day Chaim approached the Rav Levi Yitzchak with a question. Rebbe I
accept your judgment and your decision. However although I understand that
the judgemnt is based on the Torah, but then how could a true judgement
based on Torah be untrue becaue Rebbe, I know that I truly am innocent! I do
not owe Baruch any money at all! That is a good question answered Rav Levi
Yitzchak give me please three days to give you an answer.

The Holy Berditchiver fasted and prayed that they should answer him from
heaven. Whereupon it was then revealed to him that in fact Chaim grandafther
had once borrowed the exact sum from baruch's grandfather and failed to pay
back the loan!
When three days had passed and Chaim re-entered the Rebbe's study, the
Berditchever explained to him how the debt had occured. In the heavenly
court it was ruled that you must pay off your grandfather's debt and return
the money owed to the grandson of your grandfather's lender. The sign that
what I am telling you is in fact true is that if you go home and look at
your volume of Shulchan Aruch which you inherited from your grandfather, in
such and such a place you will find the missing note that proves the loan.
Chaim went home, opened the Shulchan Aruch and as the Rebbe predicted there
was the document.

Afterwards the Rebbe called in the leaders of the community and announced to
them that he wished to relinquish his newly acquired post as Rabbi of
Berditchev. The Rebbe explained that a town in which the cases brought
before him, required him to fast for three days in order to get heavenly aid
in order to decide matters of law was too much for him to handle. The
leaders of Berditchev answered that while they understood, it was unfair to
leave them just like that on the spot without a replacement. Perhaps the Rav
would kindly wait until they found a suitable replacement? The rebbe agreed.

Meanwhile Pesach came, and the custom was that after the prayers in shul the
poor guests who had lodgings or meals were divided up among the mens of
means in the community. One such householder who had a guest assigned to
him, hurried home and forget about his guest. When he arrived, his wife
begain to ask him where their guest for the seder was? The householder
quickly realized his mistake and hurried back only to find the shul cold,
dark and empty. Upset but without any other choice he returned home and
explained to his sad wife that they were to conduct the seder that year
without any guests.

The next morning after services he spotted his would be guest and the
householder approached the poor man. "Where were you last night, I came to
the shul looking for you?" he asked. "Why when I saw myself alone and
without knowing anyone I didn't know what to do." "So why didn't you stay,"
the householder asked. "Well," continued the poor man "as I said i dint know
anyone but its Pesach and I needed a place to stay and eat, I didnt want to
stay here by myself in shul so I left and found a place with another
householder," he answered pointing at a different person.

The first householder approached his fellow and began berating him for
stealing his Pesach seder guest. "You left him and didnt take him, so I took
him fair and square," was the second man's retort. Soon their discussion had
blwon into a full fledged argument. After YomTov they took their argument to
the Rav. The Berditchever heard both sides and ruled that the "thief" who
stole the guest from his fellow householder had to repay him a sum of money
for his loss.

Afterwards the the Rebbe called in the leaders of the community and
announced to them that he wished to stay on as the Rav of the community.
"Any community whose householder fight like that over the precious mitzvah
of Hachnasa Orchim and Guests is aplace where I wish to serve as the Rabbi."

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim

Kedushas Levi: Translating the Torah Helps Survive the Exile

Kedushas Levi: Translating the Torah Helps Survive the Exile
"Across the Yarden, in the land of Moav, Moshe began to explain this Torah."

Study Rashi['s commentary where he explains], "Be'er,' to mean in seventy
languages. Why did Moshe translate and explain the Torah here into seventy
languages? This will explain the verse in Tehillim (87:6) "Hashem shall
counts and records the nations, saying this one was born there Selah."
Generally speaking sometimes there are words in the Torah that are from the
Aramaic Targum such as "Yigar Sahadusa," (Bereshis 31:47) and from other
foreign languages like "Totafos," (Shemos 13:16) where Tat is Katfi for two,
and Fos is African for two, (See Menachos 34b) and similarly the word Hen,
is Greek for one (Shabbos 31b) and other languages that are found from the
nations in the Torah.

One reason for this is that the language of each nation, is it's life-force.
The holy tongue is Israel's alone. Truly Israel heard the Torah at Mount
Sinai only in the holy tongue. (Brachos 13a; Megillah 17b) And the Holy One
Blessed be He who gazes from the beginning [of time and creation] till the
end [of time and creation] saw that the nation of Israel must go into exile,
and therefore He wrote other foreign languages in the Torah. This will give
Israel a grasp on their life-force which is their language found in the holy
Torah. Then Israel will have a way to withstand the exile. This is hinted to
in the verse "Hashem shall record the Kesuv Amim - literally the writings of
the Nations," meaning that the Holy One Blessed be He recorded in the Torah
a writing of the nation's [language] "this one was born there Selah," in
order that the Tzadik could exist and survive there [in exile], because a
Tzadik is called this one - Zeh, based on the statement of our sages in
Berachos (6b) "The entire world was only created to attach and cleave to
this Tzadik - Zeh." This is what is hinted to in the verse "this one was
born there Selah," in order that the Tzadik survive the exile. This is then
in "the land of Moav," which is the land of the gentiles outside the land of
Israel, that is where the Torah must be translated into all the languages in
order that Israel might survive the exile."

See Sefas Emes ad loc.

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Phone: 972-2-992-1218 / Cell: 972-54-842-4725
VoIP: 516-320-6022
eFax: 1-832-213-3135
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