Rav Levi Yitzchak of Berditschev, was renowned not only as a great Talmudist and a Tzaddik, but, particularly, as one who always-judged others most favorably. He possessed ingenuity in discovering a merit in even the most wicked and lowly person, that he was called the Saneigoran Shel Yisroel The Defense Lawyer and Advocate of Israel.
From the upcoming MeOros Kedushas Levi on the Torah:
I Cannot Tell A Lie
The Berditchever once saw a Jew smoking on Shabbos.
"Surely you forgot that it's Shabbos today?" said the Berditchever, giving the man the benefit of the doubt.
"No, I remembered that it's Shabbos today rabbi," the man replied.
"So perhaps you forgot that it is forbidden to smoke on Shabbos?" the great advocate persisted.
But the young man answered, "No rabbi, I remembered that it's forbidden to smoke on Shabbos."
What line of defense could the tzaddik could come up with in the face of such brazen chutzpah. Everyone held their breath in suspense.
Rav Levi Yitzchak's surprising response was to turn heavenward and with outspread arms declare in triumph: "Look, Ribono Shel Olam - Master of the universe! Even this Jew who has fallen to such a low level that he smokes on Shabbos is still not willing to tell a lie!"
(Based on Sources: Rav Yaakov Yosef Wurtzberger of Tiferes Berditchev – Yerushalayim; Also retold by by Sir Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Kingdom in Devarim - Counsel for the Defense, July 21st,2007 p15-16.)
Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
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