Kedushas Levi on Parshas Chayei Sarah
"And Avraham was old coming in days and Hashem blessed Avraham with everything – Bakol. (24:1)
Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev taught: Our sages say in the Gemara (Bava Basra 16b) "Avarahm had a daughter and BaKol was her name." Based on this we can understand the Gemara (Chagigah 15a; Zohar III 126a) "There is a Bas Kol a heavenly voice that goes out from Mount Horev proclaiming (Yirmiyah 3:22) "Return O' wayward children."
We must try to understand what is this voice? It seems that even though we do not hear this voice, the feelings which we experience that awaken us to repent and return to Hashem and do Teshuva come from this voice and the proclamation. That is the voice which you are 'hearing.'1
From where do people get daily awakenings to do Teshuva and repent and return? This has its source in the voice [of G-d] which we heard at Mount Sinai (Shemos 20:2-3) Anochi and Lo YihiYeh – I am the Lord your G-d and You shall have no other gods before me (see Makos 24a).
1. See Sefer Charedim Hakdama and in Chap 73 (also found in Shel"ah Meseches Yoma Derech Chaim) that this heavenly voice spoken about in the Zohar III 126a as well as the one it says in Avos 6:2 "Woe to the creations from the shame of Torah!," although we don't hear or experience them our Mazel or soul does. See also Toldos Ya'akov Yosef Parshas Vayikra #2 in the name of the Ba'al Shem Tov and in Degel Machane Efraim to Parshas VaYikra where the above idea is said.
Stories & Parables
A Heavenly Dance
During the wedding in Zhlovin when the Alter Chabbad Rebbe's grand-daughter married R. Levi Yitzchak of Barditchov's grandson, Reb Levi Yitzchok sat in his place at the head of the table and was receiving his many guests, disciples and chassidim's well wishes and Mazal Tovs. They in turn were petitioning for salvation and blessings from the Rebbe as they stood in line.
All of a sudden the Berditchiver abruptly halted and cocked his head to one side as if training his ears to hear something no one else could. It seemed as if he was listening to something from afar, from the supernal upper worlds. Everyone stared at him transfixed with curiosity and wonder.
And then all of a sudden the Berditchiver jumped up from his place and joined the throngs of dancing chassidim with great joy and ecstasy! His holy features shone with an other worldly light from the supernal universes above!
The Alter Chabad Rebbe took one look at his in-law and said,"Mechutan, Mechutan! Not every time that you hear the angels on high recite Kadosh, do you have to dance and exult!"
(Ozar Sippurei Chabad Vol XVI)
A Heavenly Chassidic Discourse
The son of Rav Y"M (Yitzchak Meir) of Yass was once asked by his Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch during Yechidus (the private discussion between a Chassid and his Rebbe) if he could relate a story about his father Rav Yitzchak Meir? After thinking a while the son was reminded of the following story, although he explained that he did not understand the episode:
"Once in his later years my father went to the mikveh and bath house on erev Shabbos. On his return from the mikveh he passed through the market place in Yass and lifted his eyes heavenward. Suddenly he called out, "Bring me a chair!" Quickly several Jews ran over to bring my elderly father a chair from one of the nearby stores so that he could sit down. They imagined that the hot bath had perhaps caused him some weakness or ill effects and they asked him if they should run and fetch a doctor.
"There is no need," answered my father, "just leave me here." He sat there like that for about half an hour, with his head leaning on his staff and his eyes shut. Then he looked up to the heavens once more, and he got up and went on his way! None of us understand what happened," concluded the son.
The Tzemach Tzedek then asked him on what erev Shabbos this strange episode occurred and after receiving the answer he began to smile. "Off course," explained the Tzemach Tzedek "on that erev Shabbos the chuppah was taking place in Zhlovin at the wedding between the grandchildren of the awesome in-laws, the holy Berditchiver and the Alter Rebbe, Rav Shneur Zalman of Liadi.
Under the chuppah, beneath the wedding canopy the Alter Rebbe of Chabad said a chassidic discourse entitled "Ki Al Kol Kevod Chuppah." And all the heavenly ministering angels came down to watch as one watches the stunts and tricks that are performed for simchas chassan ve'kallah the bride and groom's merriment. Your father also had the merit to sit down and hear that chassidic discourse!"
(Migdal Oz p.163 #18)
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim
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